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                Squid value

                The squid and QiangWuZei, soft fish, name, small tubes and cuttlefish, octopus and other seafood soft brachiopods function in the nutrition field is basic and same, it is rich in protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and contains very rich such as selenium, iodine, manganese, copper and other trace elements of food. Apply to boiled, Fried, such as grilled cooking methods. To human skeleton growth and blood producing.

                Squid per g dried contain protein 66.7 g and 7.4 g of fat, and contains a lot of carbohydrates and calcium, phosphorus, sulfonylurea etc inorganic salt.

                The squid's high nutritional value, protein content of 16% ~ 20%, fat content is extremely low, only less than 1%, so the quantity of heat low, the fear of fat people, eat the squid is a kind of very good choice. And the squid in fat contains a large amount of highly unsaturated fatty acids EPA and DHA, plus such as meat contain high quantity, can effectively reduce taurine hemal wall in the accumulation of cholesterol, to prevent the formation of vascular sclerosis, gallstones are an effect. At the same time can supplement mental, prevent alzheimer's disease, etc. So easy to suffer from cardiovascular diseases and old people, squid is beneficial to health food. Contains the peptide and selenium has antiviral and anti-ray.

                The organ squid, carbon grilled squid is USES the Japanese import equipment after 16 way to process the craft is refined, maintain the original squid fragrance, its original squid organizations have broken, flavour is delicious, taste and rich nutrition, moderate modern is favourite snack food.