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                Company Profile
                Contact Us
                • 0532-82513888   83553099
                  83553599  82525666
                • Fax:0532-82525555
                • Contacts:Jiang Manager
                • M S N:haishunjww@hotmail.com
                • Address:Shandong province Qingdao Tongji Subdistrict Office City Road No. 77 B
                Location:跳过导航※链接首页 > Company Profile
                HaiShun Food

                Qingdao Haishun Foods Co., Ltd. belongs to a Sino-foreign joint venture and occupates an area of 18000 square meters. The company is mainly integrated into the marine product refrigerate storing further processing market. The refrigeration capacities has reached 12000 tons and the sources of feed are imported from the abyss of the Pacific Ocean. The nutrition price is high and it is used as export goods going to Japan and for technical process forms.
                The company has as enterprise guide-line the equal attention on the Chinese market and international export double action. It is involved in China’s businesses and more than ten cities and provinces. The products are mainly the mainline of export and find a good sale in the USA, Russia, Japan, South Korea, Canada, Southeast Asia and other countries. The main products are: Grilled fish slices, sleeve-fish strips, ink-fish slices, seasoning sleeve-fish, organ sleeve-fish, coal-grilled ink-fish, iron-paneled octopus, grilled prawns, dried fish, yellow stripe fish, yellow croaker and also instant leisure sea product lines. At the same time the company continues in processing materials businesses.
                The company is founded on a scientific production management system and a strict quality assurance system. According to the strict HACCP and ISO9001: 2000 the quality assurance system carried out production and processing. In 2003 it passed the China People’s Republic export food enterprise hygienic register and the HACCP system’s certification. And it prevented to pass in the same branch the food safety production licence “QS” certification. Until now Haishun Foods established to be cited as “Qingdao brand product”, “private-owned enterprise recommended brand”, “focused protection enterprise” and other titles of honor. 2009 the company’s products were awarded “Well-known trademark of Shandong province”. The company bases on the management philosophy that is “No. 1 quality, customers in first place, reputation that demands development”. The sincere cooperation has established “Making Haishun delicious food offered to lots of customers” as its goal. Use faith to put up the bridge of our cooperation!