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                The sea the delicious food dedication to our customers !!!

                We in the 21 st century, is moved forward a sea of the century, people on the Marine food of the cognitive and understanding and demand is rising, the following data in can clearly shows that sea food can stay in space and development potential market space! All over the world on the Marine food demand are as follows; The United States is 15 kg per capita consumption; The European Union is 26 kg; Japan is 70 kg, China is 2 kilograms! International modern nutrition research shows that; The human body everyday keep intake is about 200 g sea food to better ensure the body nutrition balance state.

                As we live the change of environment, land products (food) security more and more bad, and Marine food for its environment to better ensure the safety, health, so, according to the characteristics of the global authoritative organization predicts that by 2020 the world ocean food consumption will reach 150 million tons, annual average growth rate as high as 50%.

                Now the Qingdao sea food r&d center of fish out the countryside brand series leisure sea food, is to grasp the ocean food industry to mature development towards good opportunity, in such opportunities and development prospect the company sincerely hope to the good faith cooperation for the purpose, set up "made the sea the delicious food dedication to our customers". With a sincere put up our cooperation bridge!